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New Non-Invasive At Home Test Kit for Colon Cancer - Cologuard!

Dr. Cynthia Rudert, Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance expert brings to you the newest buzz on colon cancer testing - Cologuard, the new non-invasive at home test for colon cancer! Look no further for the latest information!

What is Cologuard?

Dr. Rudert answers:

Cologuard is the new FDA approved noninvasive test for colon cancer screening. Cologuard was co-developed by Exact Sciences and the Mayo Clinic and is now available by prescription. It analyzes stool based DNA and fecal hemoglobin (blood in the stool) to detect colon cancer and precancerous lesions.

How does the test work?

The test detects abnormal DNA in the stool. Your colon sheds cells daily and Cologuard analyzes DNA that could be a sign of cancer or a precancerous polyp. It also includes a test to look for blood.

How accurate is Cologuard?

Dr. Rudert answers:

Cologuard has been studied in over 10,000 patients and found 92% of colon cancers. Cologuard's detection rate for colon cancer and precancerous lesions is far superior to routine fecal blood testing. Anyone with positive test results needs a diagnostic colonoscopy. False positive results may occur in approximately 14% of individuals.

Who should be screened?

Dr. Rudert answers:

Cologuard is for men and women of average risk for colon cancer generally age 50 and above. This test is so important since it is estimated that twenty three million Americans are eligible for colon cancer screening and are not getting screened. Screening colonoscopy is still the gold standard to detect colon cancer, however, screening rates remain low for a variety of reasons.

How is it ordered?

Dr. Rudert answers:

Cologuard can be ordered by your health care provider and is prescription only. The collection kit is sent to your home with easy to follow instructions. We have been ordering Cologuard since it became available and we fill out the necessary insurance information online (less than 5 minutes). This test was interestingly simultaneously approved by the FDA and CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services). Medicare will pay for this test, when appropriate, every 3 years. My patients are given educational brochures so they can access resources and video instructions online at The test requires only one stool sample and when completed you can return the kit via prepaid shipping. Usually results are available in 2 weeks or less. If you would like additional information, please contact our office.

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